
Monday, May 9, 2011

A shout out to some amazing people.

I have been avoiding writing this blog post.  As I sit here, my eye's are filled with water and my heart hurts.  I have known for quite a while that I will be moving out of Charleston by the end of this month, but I kept it to myself for a while then I only told a handful of people.  Now, I am 1 week away from moving and I have so many feelings running through me.  Don't get me wrong, even though I have feelings of sadness, I am super stoked for the opportunity that God has set before me and I am very excited to start the new chapter in my life.

Up until about a week ago, I wasn't even sure where I was moving.  I had applied for a job back in my hometown of Hartsville.  The job I applied for was at my home church that I grew up in from the time I was a tee tiny baby.  The position I applied for was for "The Director of Programs Ministry" position with a emphasis on children and youth.  A week ago, I was offered the job and I took it!  I feel as if this is where God is calling me, so I am super excited for the opportunity.  If for some reason I did not get that job, I was going to move to Maine for the summer, find a waitressing job and begin taking online courses in Youth ministries.  

Now the hard part.  I have lived in Charleston for close to 3 years now.  I now feel like this is my home.  Charleston is one of the most beautiful cities and most awesome place to live.  Not only do I love this city, but I have the most awesome friends in the world here.  Even though I have been here for a short time, these people are truly my best friends.

Brittany Block:  She is truly one awesome person.  We lived together for 2 years and we made some lifetime memories in our apartment 1818.  She is always there for me.  She knows me like a book.  She is a strong Christian and a awesome example of what a Christian lady should be.  One thing Brittany can always do is make me laugh.  I don't think she even realizes how funny she is.  I am going to miss her ridiculous loud obnoxious burps, being able to just go to her house and vent about my day,wine nights, the ridiculous tricks she loves playing on me, and the adventure's that we randomly go on.  She is truly one awesome person and I am so blessed to be able to call her my best friend.

Dannielle Hardaway:  Even though Dannielle and I have only known each other for a little over a year, I feel as if I have known her forever.  If you didn't know us but ever hung around us, you would think we have known each other since birth.  God brought us together one Easter day and we have almost been inseparable since.  She is an amazing person.  I look up to her in so many ways.  I really do consider her almost as an older sister figure to me.  She gives me the best advice, even if I don't like it. ;)  I know she will always be honest with me, even if it's something that I don't want to hear but need to hear.  She too, is also one awesome women of God.  I will miss our nights of cooking, fist pump nights,  her amazing sense of humor, and the random situations we always get ourselves in.  I am so thankful God put her into my life.  There have been many of times where she has helped get me through difficult times.  I am forever grateful for our friendship.

Beverly Hill:  Oh Beverly.  Such a beautiful person inside and out.  I met her the same day as I met Dannielle. She has an amazing heart for God and I admire her so much.  We have had many fun times of movies, chicken nugget/peas/mac&cheese nights, long talks, and random parking lot incidents together.  She has been such an awesome friend to me and I am so blessed to have her in my life.

Lindsey Thames:  AKA my roomie.  I love her to death!  We have been living together for almost a year and have had many memorable experiences together.  Our morning talks, nightly talks, wedding planning and so much more I will miss!  She is getting married to an awesome man, Steven, this October and I am so honored that she asked me to be one of her bridesmaids. Weddings is one of my favorites things ever so I have had a blast living with a "bride-to-be!"  I have been able to watch her plan and the excitement she has every time she mentions her wedding.  Her eye's light up when you mention her wedding, and I love it!  She will make one beautiful bride, and I am so excited that God put her in my life just so I can experience this part of her life with her.

Other awesome people that I am so thankful to have in my life are Melissa, Sarah C., Sareh R., and Sarah W.  Every single one of these ladies are amazing people.  They have a love for God that is unbelievable and they have have impacted in many ways.  Even if I am not as close to some as I once was, I still consider them to be really good friends of mine.  I am so thankful call them friends.

I know that moving to Hartsville is where God is calling me to be, but I do have to admit...leaving these awesome people is going to be hard.  I love them to death and I would do anything for them.  I just hope that I am half as good of a friend to them as they are to me.  But you ladies don't fret, I am only 2 hours away so I will be back visiting from time to time!!  :)

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