
Monday, August 5, 2013


Forgiveness is something that does not come easily to me.  I have a hard time removing my hurt from the situation and looking at the person who I feel has hurt me as a child of God.  They are indeed a child of the One who will forgive and shower you with undeserving grace.  

A beautiful song written by Shane and Shane describes this God's grace, forgiveness and love so well.  

The lyrics read:

Slow to anger
Abounding in love
Good to all
All who call upon You
You will rescue and forgive

This is why I live

You lived a life I could never live
You died the death, oh, that I deserve
You rose to life and now You live
That's how You forgive

Forgive me
In Your mercy
I'm unworthy of Your love
I'm running back to all I have in You
My gracious King

This is why I sing

The measure of your love
You came and died for us
Let us not forget
That's how you forgive

The first time I heard this song the lyrics burned in my heart.  I kept thinking how do I have the right to stay angry at someone who God has already forgiven?  Who am I to hold on to resentment towards someone who God feels is worthy of His forgiveness?  HOW AM I WORTHY ENOUGH FOR GOD'S FORGIVENESS?  

God sent His son to this earth to die for ME and for YOU.  His death was a brutal betrayal done by the exact people who God deemed worthy of forgiveness.  The same people who beat, mocked, and hung Him to the cross are the same people who God extended grace and forgiveness too.   

I try to live my life to be more Christ-like.  In doing that, forgiveness is a must.  Showing grace and forgiveness to someone could possibly be the only Jesus they will ever see.  Grace has been showered over me countless times by my loving, Heavenly Father.  If God can forgive me, anyone is worthy enough for MY forgiveness.  As cheesy as this saying is I still love it... "LET GO AND LET GOD."  Let go of your pride, forgive the person and let God work on both of you.