
Saturday, December 17, 2011

Where Do I Draw the Line? (one of my most honest post yet.)

Where do you draw the line? Once I get into this topic I am discussing, you would think this would be an easy question to answer. Well most of my readers probably would. This topic I am about to write is something that lays heavily on my heart due to several reason and is often hard for me to talk about. I have had conversation about this topic with other Christians, but yet I often still question, "Where do I draw the line?" So I'm sure by now you are trying to figure out what I'm talking about?  Let me break it down for you. I have always been raw and truthful in my blog, so if I say something to shock or offend any of my readers, please know that I truly am writing this from what God has placed on my heart.

Last night after attending a fun Christmas party with friends, I then decided to go out afterward to a local bar in my hometown. Since moving back, I have stayed clear away from places like that in fear that people may look at me differently and being in the position I am in, I don't want to give off the wrong impression. Do I believe I can go to a bar and still hold to my Christian values and standards?  I absolutely do.  Do I think there is a point in going to a bar as a Christian?  There is where I ask the question, "Where do I draw the line?" People use this crutch a lot but for me it is often a valid point. Jesus went to the lowest of the lows to reach out and share God's love. He meets us where WE are so that we can come to know Him.  As His followers and Him being our example, what does that mean or how does that look for us? When I walked in, I saw several people who I went to high school with.  Some in which I have not seen since high school. Several of them looked at me and said, “Hannah? This is not your kind of place?" And for the most part they were right. Knowing the person who I was in high school, anything that had to do with drinking was not my kind of place. Little do my high school classmates know, while I lived in Charleston, I had no problem going out to a bar. The funny part is, my faith and my relationship with God have matured and become way more prevalent in my life while in Charleston than it was in high school. I was the "goody, goody" in high school. I was the typical little "Christian" girl. I'm quoting the Christian part because I don't believe that I truly knew what it meant to be a Christian then, but I knew how to play the part.  So you would think that I would be way more prone to go out in high school than in my Charleston days? Right?  I would often judge and disassociate myself with the people in high school who were partied. I would not have said this back then, but now I realize that my attitude towards them gave me a stone heart against them. Instead of being the hands and feet of Jesus to these people, I could have cared less where they spent eternity. And my friend, that is not a Christian. That is probably the hardest thing for me to admit, but as I have said earlier, this is going to be a very raw post.

So the question still remains. Where do I draw the line?  In high school, I still would not have suggested for me to go to parties where there was underage drinking. That is not what I am implying at all. But as a mature adult, I am now legal to go to these places where people seem to need Jesus the most. Just to clarify, this is most certainly not directed to anyone that I saw last night. I do not know where people stand with their faith and I most certainly do not have the right to assume. I'm simply discussing my observation last night. Is the bar scene truly a place where I think I can reach people? Would meeting them where they are having a beer with them only distort and confuse the person whom you are trying to bring to Christ? Is it too far fetch for me to assume that I could actually be the light of Jesus in a bar where temptation is so prevalent? My heart now cries out for these people instead of being stone cold towards them like I was in high school. I truly care for them. I want them to have the satisfaction and joy that I have found in my Christian journey. I want to try and meet them where they are just as Jesus does to share God's love and grace with them. I truly have a love for people and I know that only comes from God.  I am not saying that I want to become a "bar hopper?" Absolutely not. In my opinion, I would be using God as an excuse to make myself feel okay doing so and that is not what I am trying to say. There was a very short time in my life where I was completely comfortable going out, but that is not so anymore.  I am typically very uncomfortable in that kind of scene. I do however, enjoy going out with my wonderful Christian friends and if we decide to order a drink I have no problem with that.  I guess the real question that I am trying to ask myself is, "would I see Jesus out in a bar?" I might be far fetch when I say this, but yes; I do think I would see Him. He comes to where we are, in our dirty most darkest places in our lives. He wants nothing more than for us to have a relationship with Him. Infact, He is already in that bar; Maybe it is our job to show people where He is. You never know how God plans on using you.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Yet Another Blog About Charleston and Friends :)

Wow, I am writing 2 blogs in one week!?  I have not done this in a while!  Yay for blogging!

Yesterday, as I am about to go home from work this overwhelming desire came over me.  I wanted to be in Charleston, SC and I wanted to be in Charleston NOW.  Of course I had to come to the reality that that would not happen.  I would have to drive 3 hours to get there then drive back in time for work in the morning.  It wasn't going to happen.  So my overwhelming desire to be there turned into an overwhelming feeling of saddness.  During this time of the year, Charleston is simply beautiful.  I could spend all day admireing the historical, danty, classy, christmassy city of Charleston.  Not only do I miss the beautiful city, but more than anything I miss my friends.  If you are a blog reader of mine, then you already know how much my friends mean to me.  The quote saying, "friends are the family you get to choose." holds dear to my heart because I truly do feel that way about them.

At this time in my life, Charleston truly does feel like my home.  Anytime someone ask me where I am from, I sometimes catch myself from almost saying Charleston.  I love the city but more than anything, I love the people.  If you have never been then you should GO!  I will warn you though, you will not want to leave.   ;)

Charleston, I will be heading your way soon!!  Don't you worry  :) 

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Proverbs 31 Movement

A few days ago while catching up on facebook, I came across a video that several people were posting saying, “I would rather have a Proverbs 31 women than a Victoria Secret model."  After watching the video, a feeling of hope immediately came over me.  Hope that women from all ages, all over the world would come across this video.  Hope that we as women understand the value and what it means to be a Proverbs 31 women.  Hope that the men in our world understand the importance of wanting a Proverbs 31 women.  Hope that this movement would change lives and help rebuild the foundation of what marriage is intended to be.  Hope that body image will not be an issue in today's society that causes beautiful girls to look in the mirror and pick apart there body wishing they could change.  Whether ladies want to admit it or not, we all have our insecurities.  This "movement" has been so encouraging. Godly men are finally speaking out, going against society and culture to encourage us ladies to be who God intended for us to be. 

By no means am I saying that wanting to look nice, wearing make-up fixing your hair is wrong because I absolutely do not think that; but if you let that consume and define who you are than that is where we let culture blind us from the Truth.  1 Corinthians 6:19-20 says, do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God?  You are not your own, for you were bought with a price.  So glorify God in your body.  Taking care of the body that God has given us is part of our responsibility.  God commands us to glorify Him with our body.  Exercising and not over indulging yourself with food is in part of taking care of the body we were given.  But in doing this, we do so to glorify God NOT glorifying or trying to be what culture thinks we should look like.  In everything we do should ultimately glorify our loving God.

Being a Proverbs 31 lady is something that I want to strive to be every day.  I don't want to get blinded by what society is telling me I should look like or how much I should weigh.  I want to reflect the light from God on what HE wants us ladies to be.  He not only wants us to be a 31 women but he wants us to be more like Him every day.  I do pray that this "Proverbs 31" movement takes off and helps to make a RADICAL change in our society and worldly view.  

Thank you to Alex Eklund who started this movement and to all the Godly men who are supporting it!  Hopefully with me striving to be a Proverbs 31 women, I will one day find my Ephesians 5 guy.  (That's a whole blog for another day  :)

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Ethiopia, Here I COME!!!

If any of you read my last blog post I said that there have been things that God has been placing on my heart but I was not quite ready to reveal them yet.  Well, now is the time!

On July 13, 2012 I will be heading to Ethiopia with All God’s Children International!  It is a 10 day mission trip where I will be going to an orphanage and have the opportunity to love on these beautiful children and share God's love with them.  

I have wanted to do a mission trip like this for quite some time, but I would always came up with an excuse to not go.  Whether it be money or not being able to take time off from my job to go.  Several weeks ago, I prayed for God to not only break my heart for what breaks His, but that I would actually do something about it.  I have always had a special place in my heart for the orphans.  I'll never forgot that one day,  (neither will my parents I’m sure) I was around 13, when I came home and announced to my family that I will be adopting children from every country when I get older.  I was so passionate about it then, and that very same passion has never faded.  I remember thinking how beautiful each and every child was and that I wanted to be the one to tell them that they are beautifully made in the image of God and that they are loved by Him so much.  I knew then at the young age of 13 that orphans will be a big part of my life.   

I have recently started sponsoring a little girl whose name is Alemshewa through Compassion International who is from Ethiopia.  I spoke with someone who works with Compassion and he assured me that while I am in Ethiopia, Compassion will be able to set it up where I will be able to meet this beautiful little girl.  I am so excited that God has given me this opportunity.  It will be an amazing moment when I am able to wrap my arms around Alemshewa and tell her in person how much I love her and how much God loves her.  I pray for her daily as well as am able to communicate with her through email and letters but being able to see her in person is such an amazing opportunity.  

During this time of preparation I ask that you please pray for me as God prepares my heart for this mission trip.  My Mother has already had a talk with me that I cannot bring any kids home with me.  She knows that if it were a possibility, most likely I would!  :)  I know that God will provide me financially and emotionally for this trip.  I am super stoked!

If you are wondering why I chose Ethiopia this video will explain why: